Dec 9, 2006

Humanities and Sciences

In Japan, most high school students have to choose between humanities course and science course before they enter a university. It is very important for them to know what the difference between the two is. The most easily understandable difference is that in science courses students have to have interests in mathematics and physics, but in humanities courses they have to have interests in history, economics, politics, philosophy, social issue and so on.

In short, most students think that there is a very big difference between the two, and they think scientists do not have to be familiar with humanities, and vice versa.

However, the origin of humanities and science is from same questions that are “What is the human?” or “Why do we exist in this world?” In the 16th century, there was no difference between humanities and science. For example, Ren Descartes was a great philosopher and also a great mathematician.

Originally the two courses had developed on same basic questions and are based on essentially same thoughts.


  1. ラテン語を使っちゃうなんて,さすがっす☆

  2. 「vice versa」はよく使われるイディオムです.非常に便利に使えるので,覚えましょう.

  3. 外国では理系と文系のような区別はしないものなのですか?

  4. 海外の多くの大学では理系も文系も大学1,2年でリベラルアーツをしっかり受けなければならないため専門バカになりにくいということがあります.
